
Brite Detailing is a Recycle Utah Green Business. Each year we set attainable and measurable goals with a definitive completion date. We encourage all to be more green when it comes to consumption as well as recycling and re-purposing.


Reduce plastic

Brite Detailing is proud to announce that we reached our goal of reducing plastic consumption by 30% ending the 2020 year.

Brite Detailing has worked with local suppliers, consolidated deliveries and purchasing by tracking and monitoring inventory, and has subsequently reduced plastic consumption overall as a business. These efforts have also reduced the need for driving to have supplies picked up or delivered and has overall reduced our carbon footprint for the years 2021 and 2022.


Tire Pressure Checks

Brite Detailing has regularly monitored and adjusted tire pressure to factory spec on both cars we service and on our own vehicles in order to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse emissions. In doing so we have ensured that your car runs its smoothest and have also helped many clients avoid flat tires by spotting nails and other punctures that may otherwise go unnoticed; thus avoiding possible flats or blowouts.



Brite Detailing regularly works with Recycle Utah to help promote and recycle things like water bottles, cans, and paper waste that comes from cars we clean in an effort to not only keep your care clean but the environment clean as well.